
Last year we launched eFunds for Schools, an online payment system, which allows parents to conveniently pay by credit card for miscellaneous student fees such as Pay to Participate fees, field trip fees, and lunch account deposits.  For the start of this school year, we have added a connection between eFunds and Destiny, our circulation software, so that all fines for lost or damaged items assigned to a student now appear in eFunds.

This connection allows you to see the details of any fees assigned to your student, pay for those fees at any time using a credit card, and have a receipt of payment easily available to you.  

When you are in eFunds, select your student and those fees will be in the Student Fees section.  You can add one or all of these fees into your cart to combine multiple mandatory/optional items into one credit card transaction.

Updated fine information is sent to eFunds at the close of each school day and payments made in eFunds are updated in Destiny at the start of each school day.  As always, if you believe that a fee is in error, please contact your student’s building as soon as possible.